Friday, June 23, 2006


Prince Diaper and Move Update

I posted an update on Prince Diaper here.

Well the move went well! I am still getting settled in but it's been over a week. I love the house. I've seen 12 outdoor cats and have pictures of all of them. Three are officially mine. I'm trying to figure out whether the others are feral, tame strays, or outdoor pets. There is a sick kitten I am trying to snatch but have been unsuccessful and now I haven't seen her for more than a day.

The ferry ride went better than expected and I got a lot of nice help. I was quite the tourist attraction unloading the six cats in Lahaina. They have dealt with the change pretty well. There was some hiding behind the dryer but they got more comfortable once the furniture arrived.

More later!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


The Big Move

Well the big move to Maui is coming up! Moving with six cats is definitely going to be an unforgettable experience. It took me awhile but I figured it out. I'm going to fly over with two cats and the next day I'm ferrying over with four cats. Sounds simple right? HA! It's going to be exhausting but it sure will be wonderful when we are all in the house safe and sound.

I drop off my car, furniture, and boxes at the wharf two days before I move so I'll be sleeping on the ground with a blanket and have just enough food for all of us. I sure hope everything goes smoothly. My big worry is Vayna getting out of the house again and not returning in time for the move.

I can't wait to be living on Maui!!

Friday, June 02, 2006


What I look for...

When I look for a family to adopt one of my foster cats, the following things are the most important to me.

1. They will NOT declaw the cat. This is a painful and inhumane procedure that is illegal in most places outside of the US. Read about what declawing REALLY is right here.

2. The cat will be inside only unless they live on a huge piece of land that is very safe, have a cat fence, or some kind of outdoor enclosure.

3. The cat must be a FAMILY member, not a mouser, and not a birthday or Christmas present.

4. Here in Hawaii, I am very cautious about adopting out to military since so many pets are dumped when they are reassigned.

I ask a series of questions that include these issues and a few smaller ones regarding things like veterinary care and other household animals. The answers give me a real feeling for how responsible and caring they will be. Some people I do not even respond to because of the way they word their interest in the cat. It's a huge responsibility to find a home for an animal, but so far, I have found fantastic families! And every single one has been on another island.

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